A tried and true approach to a rich and meaningful education.

One Room Schoolhouse in the Piney Woods
vintage education in a one-room setting
Enroll your child in one class or many!
During our Fall and Spring semester we offer classes twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Every class is 50 minutes long with a 10 minute recess break at the end. Most are drop-off classes for the students but we do offer a few
'Mommy-and-Me' classes for parents who would like to stay on site and those classes are also offered to students with special needs who benefit from having their care giver on site.
Students can take just one class or they can mix and match many classes. During our built-in recess breaks between the classes the kids can play out in nature and enjoy socializing with class mates. They are welcome to pack a lunch and picnic with their friends.
Class size is limited and we often have a running waitlist but we do all we can to accommodate as many families as possible.
We also offer weekend workshops, special programs for church groups, photography opportunities, summer classes, and a farm stay experience for families who would like to experience life on a working farm in our AirBnB guest house.
Christian World View History
Christian worldview history covers ancient, mid evil, renaissance, modern world history including church history throughout each of the ages. It is taught on a four year rotation so that students revisit each topic every four years as they gain cognitive ability for deeper insights to the events in history on each rotation. Offered to children 5-17 years old.
Creationism Science
Creationism science covers earth science, biology, chemistry and physics including biblical references to put science into the proper perspective in light of God’s handiwork in His amazing creation. It is taught on a 4 year rotation so that every four years students can relearn the topic with a greater cognitive ability to grasp the concepts and to do more in-depth study into the topic. Offered to children 5-17 years old.
Indoor Life Skills
This modern homesteading class in ‘indoor life skills’ will prepare the students with the fundamental building blocks they will need to be a self sufficient and well rounded adult one day.
Indoor life skills will cover such topics as budgeting, nutrition, cooking, baking, meal prepping, time management, daily chores, basic sewing, entrepreneurialism, and many others.
Every week in the life skills class the kids will learn a new and beneficial tool that they can apply to their lives for years to come. Offered to children 5-17 years old.
Out Door Life Skills
A modern homesteading class in ‘outdoor life skills’ will prepare the students with the fundamental building blocks they will need to be a self sufficient and well rounded adult one day.
Out door life skills will put an emphasis on tending to animals, gardening, wood working, fire making, basic survival skills and physical education.
Every week in the life skills class the kids will learn a new and beneficial tool that they can apply to their lives for years to come. Offered to children 5-17 years old.
And Now Offering:
Early Readers Class
This class is offered to younger students who are new readers or pre-readers. We will cover basic letter recognition, sounds, blending and writing. Each class will end with story time to teach reading fluency and influx. Offered to children 3.5-7 years old.
Mommy-and-Me Story Time
This class is offered to kids of all ages who will attend with one or both patents or even grandparents. We will read a story together in the schoolhouse and then have some hands-on time with the schoolhouse farm animals. Every attendee over 1 will pay the class fee...babies under 1 attend for free!
Homeschool Prep Classes for Mom's
We are delighted to offer classes for families who are new to homeschooling. It's our desire to be a help and a resource to the families we serve and to do all we can to help you thrive in your homeschool journey. Classes cover homeschool styles and approaches, curriculum, scheduling, teaching to your child's bent, building a scope and sequence with your curriculum for the school year and creating a morning and evening routine to set your family up for success each day. These classes will include reproducible hand outs and plenty of Q&A time at the end to cover specific topics that pertain to your family or your needs as a homeschool mom.
View our Social Media for Dates and Times
Enrollment & Course Fees
The Schoolhouse offers regular Fall and Spring semester classes as well as weekend workshops, summer classes and special one time programs. The dates and times for these classes are posted on our social media pages or can be sent over email. You are also welcome to reach out over the phone for more details.
To enroll your child email us at oneroomschoolhousepineywoods@yahoo.com or text (209)985-9351 to reserve a space in one or more courses. Space is limited. Make sure to give us your child's name, age and the course name, day and time (for example you can say 'we would like to enroll in the History class on Tuesday at 2:00') and we will get a registration packet to you and will send out an invoice for the enrollment fee. Once the fee is paid the class will be held for your student.
Every enrolling family commits for a month at a time of our regular semester classes. If a family is continuously enrolled all semester they will never again have to pay the $20 enrollment fee. Each class is $28 a month ($7 per daily class) unless you enroll your child in more than one class or you enroll more than one child you will receive a multi class discount in which case the classes will be $20 a month. It's a flat rate per month even if students happen to miss classes but there will be a limited number of make-up class offered to accommodate busy schedules or sickness.
View our Enrollment Form
Come Visit
If you would like a tour of the schoolhouse and the farm you can set up an appointment via email or text. Registration packets can be picked up by appointment also.
If you are interested in first day of school, seasonal, sports or senior photos at the schoolhouse we work with photographers to offer a classic schoolhouse setting with some antique school house props to make your child's photos an instant heirloom. If you are a photographer or just a parent with a phone and you would like to set up an appointment to use the schoolhouse for a small fee you can email or text to set up an appointment.
Family Farm Stay
The Guest House at Pecan Grove Estate (listed on AirBnB) is located here on the grounds of the Schoolhouse Farm and offers families a unique opportunity to book an AirBnB 'experience package' to stay on a working farm to and to allow their children to experience morning feed time, collecting eggs from the hen house and some hands on time with the goats, chickens and other animals here at the farm. Look for us on Air B&B or reach out via email or text for information on how to book a family farm stay.
Christian Educator
homesteader, patriot and homeschool mom of 7
After 20 years of teaching experience, including working in classrooms, working with special needs children, teaching physical education classes, hosting field trips for large homeschool groups, leading bible studies and teaching mommy-and-me classes all while homeschooling our 7 children, we had a desire to open a one room school house so that other children could benefit from a multi age small classroom setting that our own children have been so blessed to experience.
Our children have a span of 15 years in their ages and we have experienced first hand the benefits of teaching kids in a setting where the younger children can benefit from the older one’s drive to learn and good classroom behavior being modeled and the older can benefit from rising to the call to be a role model and encouragement to the little eyes who look up to them.
With a desire to be a resource to other homeschool and public school families we will be offering clinics, training and guidance to parents as well as children so that the whole family can benefit from a tried and true educational approach.

Small Scale Classroom Setting in a Christian Environment
The small class room sizes allow every student to get to know the other which forges friendships and builds community between families at a time in the world where face to face connections are a treasure.
The Christian environment means that each child is valued as an individual created by God for his good purposes and that children will be taught to treat one another how they want to be treated inside and outside of class. Character will be addressed daily, not just because it’s good for the student to learn kindness, goodness, patience’s and other godly characteristics but because it honors God and helps them to understand the attitudes of their hearts when behaviors are discussed and reflected on throughout the day as we challenge ourselves inside and outside the classroom. Often time the public school setting doesn’t constitute taking this approach because class sizes are large and teachers don’t feel free to address the attitudes of the heart but we take a whole person approach to education and believe children thrive in the area of education if they are also growing in their knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ and the godly life he calls us and enables us to lead through his Spirit’s work in those who know him and walk in his ways. That is my first and greatest passion as a teacher and a Christian.
One Room Schoolhouse in the Piney Woods
A Vintage Education